EyesOn Video Guidelines

 In order for us to give you good feedback, there are certain requirements for the video quality.


Where possible, please try to take videos square from the front, back, or sides. Diagonal videos make analysis inaccurate.

Try to make sure you are not obstructed by other objects or people.

Nice angle

Nice angle

Front view is fine too

Front view is fine too

Diagonal; Not ideal

Diagonal; Not ideal

Frame Rate

A higher frame rate will be beneficial. Slow-motion videos will be even better!

At 240 FPS

At 240 FPS

At 25 FPS

At 25 FPS


Number of Takes

For slower exercises like squats, lunges, or planks, you can do it a few times in a single video.

For faster exercises like drills (including hops, jumps, etc), you can take 2-3 videos of you doing the exercise.

For running, please take 2 videos per angle if possible. (Importantly we will need side and front)